Goldratt Research Labs (GRL) is a world leader in offering Theory of Constraints’ based Research and Innovation services and advanced Decision Support Technologies to help organizations and individuals make BETTER FASTER DECISIONS to achieve more with less in less time.
Our Clients
GRL works with organizations from both the private and public sector, typically through joint-research partnerships, to design, validate, plan, execute and operationalize breakthrough solutions that will help their customers overcome constraints to achieve more with less, in less time. GRL’s customers include some of the world’s largest organizations within manufacturing, distribution, mining, high-tech and publishing, as well as government agencies and NGOs.
A key differentiator is that GRL can offer their customers access to field tested Theory of Constraints’ based best-practices and solutions across a wide range of applications. When combined with GRL’s advanced analytics and decision support technologies that have been proven to deliver step-change improvements in operational and financial results in a low cost, low risk and sustainable way.
Our Research Partnerships
Organizations with whom Goldratt Research Labs have collaborated in the past to challenge industry paradigms and achieve step-change improvements in performance include…
Research Middle
Case Studies
Below a sample listing of GRL’s Research Projects completed since 2008

African Explosives
(South Africa)

BHP Billiton

Tata Steel

BHP Billiton

Random House Publishing
(United States)


Daiwa House

(South Africa)

(South Africa)



Coast Composites
Research Awards
GRL’s portfolio of Award-Winning Decision Support Technologies were all designed to help organizations and individuals make BETTER FASTER decisions. They include:
1. HARMONY Decision-Maker (HDM) App
The HDM App was designed to help managers or individuals make BETTER FASTER decisions in business or life. The HDM App guides users through the 5-step ProConCloud process, with each step designed to help prevent one of 5 common decision mistakes. Users can share their decision analysis and implementation status privately with managers, stakeholders, teachers or coaches or publicly via the HDM community library to allow users to not just learn from their own experience but to also learn from each other’s successes and failures.
Our Harmony Decision Maker App was the winner of a Global Entrepreneur Network’s 2017 Innovation Award.
To test drive the HDM Web App, go to or to test drive the HDM Mobile Apps, search for “Harmony Decision Maker” in Apple, Google or Amazon Mobile App stores.
2. HARMONY Change Maker (HCM) App
The HCM App was designed to help management team and individuals achieve the FOCUS and FAST FEEDBACK they need to SUCCEED. The HCM App enables teams to collaboratively design, validate, plan, execute and audit the implementation of major changes using the innovative “Strategy & Tactic Tree” methodology as well as Critical Chain and Agile Project Management best practices.
Our Harmony Change Maker App was a Finalist in the Silicon Valley Business App Awards 2013.
To try out the HCM Web App, go to and select to subscribe to the Harmony Change Maker Web App for a free 30 day trial.
3. HARMONY Change Simulator Apps
The HCS was designed to help managers quantify the inherent improvement potential within their organization or supply chain and the likely operational & financial benefits of investments and/or implementing changes like Theory of Constraints’ best practice planning, execution and continuous improvement rules.
GRL’s Simulators have received a number of industry awards. In 2014, a 3D Steel Plant Simulation model developed for Tata Steel won the second place in Anylogic’s global simulation modeling competition.
To get access to our publicly available Simulator models, search “Goldratt Research Labs” in the Apple MacOS App Store or contact Jaco-Ben Vosloo, GRL’s VP of Technology at [email protected] for a demo.
4. (TOM = Tacit Object Modeler) AI platform
Over a decade ago, Merlynn Technologies, GRL’s AI partner, developed an AI engine that can extract the intuition-based decision rules of top experts in any domain. The TOM technology was the winner of Southern Africa’s Technology Top 100 Awards in 2015.
See for more details or to a short explanation video of how TOM Works, view the video below.